Antipodes Water

Untouched from the purity of its origins

The perfect palate enhancer, as served in the world’s finest restaurants

Fine water is a central element in the enjoyment of wine and cuisine. Unaltered from its deep source to the bottle on the table, the low minerality and purity of Antipodes is its hallmark.

Unaltered from
its deep source

Our water rises from Aotearoa New Zealand’s deepest, highest quality aquifer. Untouched and naturally filtered through dense ignimbrite rock, its age when bottled is between 50 and 300 years.

When I go to a place and they serve Antipodes, I know the service will be of a particular standard

Poi Eurera, Odettes Eatery & Hugo's Bistro

It was pure tasting. It was clean. Palate cleansing, and worked fantastically with the food".

Brandon Lela'ulu, Prego Restaurant

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Delivered to your door


Our still and sparkling artesian water is one of the finest in the world and one of the purest in New Zealand. Antipodes is the world’s first carbon zero certified water, acknowledged by the United Nations for its environmental responsibility.